Morrison/Dyke Studio | Studio 319
Modern Abstract Semi-figurative Oil Paintings
Combined Susan and Anthony's paintings have been featured at the ICA, MFA, Danforth Museum, Berkshire Museum, Brockton Art Museum, PAM, Aldrich Museum, Oklahoma Contemporary, Harvard University, Tufts University, Boston College, Dartmouth College, U. of Southern Maine and Wake Forest University and numerous galleries in New York, New England and the Southwest.
Modern Abstract Semi-figurative Oil Paintings
Combined Susan and Anthony's paintings have been featured at the ICA, MFA, Danforth Museum, Berkshire Museum, Brockton Art Museum, PAM, Aldrich Museum, Oklahoma Contemporary, Harvard University, Tufts University, Boston College, Dartmouth College, U. of Southern Maine and Wake Forest University and numerous galleries in New York, New England and the Southwest.
Modern Abstract Semi-figurative Oil Paintings
Combined Susan and Anthony's paintings have been featured at the ICA, MFA, Danforth Museum, Berkshire Museum, Brockton Art Museum, PAM, Aldrich Museum, Oklahoma Contemporary, Harvard University, Tufts University, Boston College, Dartmouth College, U. of Southern Maine and Wake Forest University and numerous galleries in New York, New England and the Southwest.